Monday, May 15, 2006

I am pissed

The birthday boy called us today. It seems that in the two hours no one was in their apt. his laptop and camera were stolen. He will survive from all of this, but it sure sucks. I hurt for him and wish I could still make all the hurts go away by rocking him and tucking him in bed. Dammit, his apt. is on the third floor of a locked in complex. I hope the person that robbed him finds himself in the middle of a block when a huge semi knocks him into oblivion. I hope he burns in the hell I usually don't believe in and is poked with live electrical wires. Well, I feel a little better now.
Just a little.....still want to rock my son to sleep and tuck him in bed.

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About Me

I finally retired this year! Now all I have to worry about it money. I am married over 33 years with adult children. I would love to be skinny and rich! But am rubenesque and barely middle-class.