Saturday, February 11, 2006

Some random thoughts

I have worked for almost 15 years for a program that supports families who have children with disabilities. It has been both a rewarding and frustrating job. The bureaucracy can be overwhelming, but the bright spots are so wonderful. The families make it worthwhile ( most of them). I have been to 3 trainings the last two weeks. One training was on working with children who are deaf /hard of hearing, another on assistive technology (low and high tech) and the last was on autism. I have to say that I have learned the most and struggled the hardest working with those families who have children with hearing concerns and autism.

I want to share some information that really made me think. I want to preface it with I knew most of the information that I am sharing, but some of it is even new to me. There is new research out there dealing with the brain and how it works. The brain is the only organ in the body that is not totally formed at birth. It has over 100 billion brain cells just waiting for work. The baby begins at birth to learn. She learns everytime she hears her mother's voice and the fan that fascinates her as she watches it move against the ceiling. By the time that baby is a toddler of 3 those brain cells that have not made any connections (one can actually map the cells as they make a connection with other cells) go away (this is the part I didn't know). The brain continues to add brain cells through adulthood, but not at the rate that they are lost. That is why the first 3 years of a child's life is so important. It is a use it or lose it deal. Dr. Bruce Perry has done much research in this area. He has founded the Houston, TX Child Truama Academy designed to help maltreated children recapture lost potential and develop in healthier ways. He has spoken how "both positive and negative interactions with caregivers create concrete physical changes in the young brain." Perry said that "because children’s brains reach 90% of their adult size by the age of four, early childhood is a “window of opportunity” for them to get maximum benefit from positive experiences." I would love to hear him speak. He has been in Norman and I will be on the look out for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you the smartest person I know..

About Me

I finally retired this year! Now all I have to worry about it money. I am married over 33 years with adult children. I would love to be skinny and rich! But am rubenesque and barely middle-class.